The Power of Reinvesting in Our Community- Celebrating Community Banking Month and CCB

Reinvesting in your community sounds great, but how does one really put that into action?

If you’ve ever wondered if it matters where you deposit your hard-earned money, 我们向你保证会的. Not only does banking locally support small businesses (community banks fund more than 60% of small business loans and more than 80% of ag loans), but as locally owned and operated businesses themselves, they are part of the economic engines that create 62 percent of new jobs annually. 这是强大的.

Community banks like CCB take in deposits and distribute loans that feed into a self-sustaining micro-economy that keeps funds right here in the local communities we serve. It is all part of a symbiotic relationship that community banks have with their communities. And the proceeds from those businesses employ residents, 基金市, and continue the cycle of locally based economic growth.

If you need more proof just consider the community bank impact on local communities:

  • Community banks outpace large banks in the average number of banks operating in both rural and urban markets by a 3:1 ratio.
  • Community banks are preferred small business lenders, with an 81 percent net satisfaction score compared to 68 percent for large banks and just 43 percent for online lenders.
  • Community banks operate in areas abandoned by others—serving as the only physical banking presence in nearly one in three U.S. 县.

但这不仅仅是统计数据的问题. 当你联系建行时, you are greeted by a talented team member who is attuned to their needs and empowered to act on their behalf.

And when our employees log volunteer hours in their communities, or when CCB contributes donations to support events that make our communities stronger, we are working toward our goal of ensuring economic prosperity for the community we call home.

四月是社区银行月, and we want to thank our customers for putting their trust in us for their banking needs. For our neighbors who may be considering a switch, please take a closer look at CCB to discover how we can help you realize your financial dreams.

At CCB we pledge to never lose sight of the all-important “relationship” and the personalized service our customers expect. We’ll continue to remain your independent and locally owned bank, “Where Community Counts.”

记住,我们是同舟共济的. Community banks like CCB are only successful if our customers and communities are, too. We know what it takes to create successful local economies. Join us in helping to build a more sustainable, vibrant economy here at home.